Notes for DCP-Multi Intro

DCP-Multi has (I’m declaring now) emerged from experimental status and it’s time to formalize and document what we’ve created. [Read More]

Help Your Nanowrimo Effort Resemble an Actual Novel

More than a decade ago a friend gave me a copy of The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing. We had been toying with the idea of writing a novel. A few years later I took some of the ideas we had and applied them during my first nanowrimo. Though the novel soon spiraled out of control (and off script according to the “marshall Plan”,) I felt the structure offered in the book helped me to “win” (writing at least 50,000 words in the month of November.) [Read More]
Tags: Writing

Easily and Quickly Populate Database Tables Using Pure Ruby

When importing data into a database you may want to use your Active Record models to help. Perhaps you want to call your validation rules in your model classes or you just want to put the code in your Rails’ project ‘rake’ tasks. You’d like to use Active Record for the job, but the data outside the database has a lot of records. The problem is that creating each record individually may take too much time. [Read More]