Have you ever come to the realization that, looking back, you were in the right place and time to have gotten on board with the next big thing but instead badly missed the boat? It’s a familiar feeling to many software developers, maybe especially those of us who started in the nineties or earlier. Lots of successful products were developed and sold by very small teams or a single person, so the belief that “I could have done that” isn’t too delusional, given you had decent skills and energy.
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Forty Acres and a Mule
Using IPUMS Data and SQL to Constructively Speculate on Alternate History
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Real Estate Investing 3: Comparing to Stocks
Update: Adjusted numbers in last case study to reflect actual earnings and expenses, corrected an error in a calculation.
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Real Estate Investing 2: Understanding Cash Flow and Return on Investment
How do you know if you’re making money on your rental property? How can you estimate if a potential deal will make you money? Here are three methods in order of complexity:
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Real Estate Investing 1: Is Investing in Residential Real Estate Worthwhile?
The recent paper The Total Rate of Return on Everything 1870-2015 has some intriguing findings on housing as an asset class: Returns were approximately the same as stocks with less risk.
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Cleaning House After Going Digital
The last time I made any real use of my tape deck was 1997, and while I played the occasional CD as recently as a decade ago, that was only because I had a player that decoded my MP3 mix CDs. 600 megabytes of MP3s goes a long, long way.
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IPUMS Data Conversion as a Slow Motion Entity System
Applying the Entity System design to the IPUMS DCP (Data Conversion Program) could improve performance as well as provide new insights into the underlying problem space.
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IPUMS Terminology Explained
The following glossary should help decode terms used in IPUMS documentation and source code, as well as discussions to follow on this blog.
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Learning About Entity Component-System Design
If you’ve ever written games, especially ones with many types of “pieces” or needed high-performance, you may have stumbled into some variety of the ECS architecture or half-discovered it by yourself.
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Application Performance: Use and Mis-Use of APIs
Here’s a possibly half-baked post on software design. In the end, I’m not sure I have anything more to say than “don’t turn off your brain.”
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