Apache Spark, Python and Pandas, Columnar data formats, migrating away from Excel: It’s essential you get familiar with these topics if you’re beginning to grapple with challenging amounts of data. Before immediately jumping to the conclusion that “The Cloud” is the only next step– and getting lost in studying all the services out there – consider what you can do on your own laptop. Good data engineering will take you far. This post is an abbreviated version of three detailed articles I posted last year on the ISRDI Tech Blog.
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Free Historical Stock Data Getting Hard to Find
Yesterday I went looking for free historical data for small cap companies only to find the Yahoo! Finance API had been turned off more than a year ago. Hmm, well on to Google Finance then… also turned off their API sometime in 2018. Darn, this was supposed to be a quick project.
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What's the Healthiest Diet?
A few years ago I fasted every other day for a month to try out a human version of an experiment involving rats, to see if doing so would improve my vision. Read full details and results.
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Brain Plasticity and Diet
Can change in diet or restricted eating / fasting effect human brain plasticity?
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Colin or Collin?
Over the years a lot of people have had trouble spelling my name. When I was younger I assumed they hadn’t heard the name “Colin.” It was pretty unusual where I lived. Over the past twenty years the name has become more popular but the spelling trouble hasn’t improved. It turns out these days there’s another problem: an alternative spelling. Could “Collin” really be as common as “Colin”? I didn’t believe it.
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Ruby with Parquet and Arrow on Ubuntu
Read and write Parquet files in Ruby with the ‘red-parquet’ gem; store data in memory with Arrow using the ‘red-arrow’ gem.
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Everything is Terrible
It doesn’t get any easier, you just get faster
Greg LeMond
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Why Turbo Pascal was Great
It’s been nearly twenty-eight years since the release of Turbo Pascal 6.0 on October 4 1990. Sometimes it feels to me like the evolution of programming languages and development environments has been a down hill slide ever since.
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Notes on Writing and Reading Parquet Files in C++
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Agile Methodology Applied to House Flipping
Managing a House Renovation as an Agile Software Project
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