AI (1) API (2) Active Record (2) Agile (3) Apache Spark (1) Arrow (2) Big Data (1) Books (1) Business (9) C (1) C++ (12) Census (1) Compilers (1) Crystal (4) Cython (1) Data (8) Data Engineering (1) Data Oriented Design (1) Data Science (2) Data Visualization (2) Flame Graphs (2) Free Pascal (1) Go-lang (1) Hadoop (1) Health (2) History (2) IPUMS (3) Interpreters (1) Investing (3) JRuby (1) Kotlin (1) Markdown (2) Metadata (1) Mueller Report (1) Nim (2) Optimization (1) Parquet (9) Pascal (1) Politics (2) Post Office (1) Primary Sources (1) Programming Languages (6) PyArrow (1) Python (5) Real Estate (5) Real estate (1) Ruby (8) Rust (12) SQL (2) SQLite (1) Self Improvement (3) Software (2) Software Development (30) Software Engineering (3) Spark (1) Spreadsheets (1) Stories (3) Turbo Pascal (2) Writing (3) business (2) software Development (4) software development (1) tutorials (1)

 AI (1)

My not so deep thoughts on AI

 API (2)

Free Historical Stock Data Getting Hard to Find
Application Performance: Use and Mis-Use of APIs

 Active Record (2)

Fixed Length Record Data (Part Two)
Easily and Quickly Populate Database Tables Using Pure Ruby

 Agile (3)

Developing Software is Developing Knowledge
Everything is Terrible
Agile Methodology Applied to House Flipping

 Apache Spark (1)

Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

 Arrow (2)

Ruby with Parquet and Arrow on Ubuntu
Notes on Writing and Reading Parquet Files in C++

 Big Data (1)

The Parquet Data Format Landscape

 Books (1)

SF Worth Reading

 Business (9)

Minimum Useful PC Uptime
Tech Support 1: Findings from 8529 Unwanted Conversations
Everything is Terrible
Agile Methodology Applied to House Flipping
Missing Out
Real Estate Investing 3: Comparing to Stocks
Real Estate Investing 2: Understanding Cash Flow and Return on Investment
Real Estate Investing 1: Is Investing in Residential Real Estate Worthwhile?
Renting Property in Minneapolis

 C (1)

Rust Ownership

 C++ (12)

Add Key-Value Metadata to Parquet Files in C++
Rust Ownership
Notes on Speeding Up Python With Native Compiled Code
Optimization Part V: Applying Data Oriented Design Principles
Optimization Part IV: Profile Guided Optimization
Optimization Part III: Better Hash Tables
Optimization Part II: Targeted Optimizations Assisted by Flame Graphing
Optimizing a Data-Intensive C++ Application, Part I
Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies
Notes on Writing and Reading Parquet Files in C++
IPUMS Data Conversion as a Slow Motion Entity System
Learning About Entity Component-System Design

 Census (1)


 Compilers (1)

Resources for Building Programming Languages

 Crystal (4)

So Many New Systems Programming Languages II
Taking a Look at the Recent Batch of Systems Programming Languages
Value and Reference Semantics in Modern Programming Languages
Exploring the Crystal Language

 Cython (1)

Notes on Speeding Up Python With Native Compiled Code

 Data (8)

Free Historical Stock Data Getting Hard to Find
Colin or Collin?
Notes on Writing and Reading Parquet Files in C++
Forty Acres and a Mule
IPUMS Data Conversion as a Slow Motion Entity System
IPUMS Terminology Explained
Fixed Length Record Data (Part Two)
Flat and Hierarchical Fixed Length data

 Data Engineering (1)

Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

 Data Oriented Design (1)

Optimization Part V: Applying Data Oriented Design Principles

 Data Science (2)

Residential Real Estate Listing Price and Sales Price Disconnect
Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

 Data Visualization (2)

Free Historical Stock Data Getting Hard to Find
Colin or Collin?

 Flame Graphs (2)

Optimization Part III: Better Hash Tables
Optimization Part II: Targeted Optimizations Assisted by Flame Graphing

 Free Pascal (1)

If You Liked Pascal

 Go-lang (1)

If You Liked Pascal

 Hadoop (1)

The Parquet Data Format Landscape

 Health (2)

What's the Healthiest Diet?
Brain Plasticity and Diet

 History (2)

Forty Acres and a Mule

 IPUMS (3)

Forty Acres and a Mule
IPUMS Data Conversion as a Slow Motion Entity System
IPUMS Terminology Explained

 Interpreters (1)

Resources for Building Programming Languages

 Investing (3)

Real Estate Investing 3: Comparing to Stocks
Real Estate Investing 2: Understanding Cash Flow and Return on Investment
Real Estate Investing 1: Is Investing in Residential Real Estate Worthwhile?

 JRuby (1)

Notes for a Sequel/JRuby/SQLite Bug

 Kotlin (1)

If You Liked Pascal

 Markdown (2)

SF Worth Reading
Markdown Syntax Highlighting With Notepad++

 Metadata (1)

Add Key-Value Metadata to Parquet Files in C++

 Mueller Report (1)

Read the Report

 Nim (2)

Notes on Speeding Up Python With Native Compiled Code
If You Liked Pascal

 Optimization (1)

Optimization Part V: Applying Data Oriented Design Principles

 Parquet (9)

Save Arrow Record Batches Fast to Parquet With Custom Metadata During Incremental Writes
Notes on simplifying complex Parquet data
Add Key-Value Metadata to Parquet Files in C++
Read Multi-File Parquet Data with Rust
Effectively Access Parquet Formatted Data From Rust
The Parquet Data Format Landscape
Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies
Ruby with Parquet and Arrow on Ubuntu
Notes on Writing and Reading Parquet Files in C++

 Pascal (1)

Rust Ownership

 Politics (2)

Save the USPS

 Post Office (1)

Save the USPS

 Primary Sources (1)

Read the Report

 Programming Languages (6)

Little 'Big Ideas' in Programming Language Design
Investigating Mojo 🔥
So Many New Systems Programming Languages II
Taking a Look at the Recent Batch of Systems Programming Languages
Value and Reference Semantics in Modern Programming Languages
Resources for Building Programming Languages

 PyArrow (1)

Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

 Python (5)

Save Arrow Record Batches Fast to Parquet With Custom Metadata During Incremental Writes
Investigating Mojo 🔥
Notes on Speeding Up Python With Native Compiled Code
Python 3 Language Notes
Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

 Real Estate (5)

Agile Methodology Applied to House Flipping
Real Estate Investing 3: Comparing to Stocks
Real Estate Investing 2: Understanding Cash Flow and Return on Investment
Real Estate Investing 1: Is Investing in Residential Real Estate Worthwhile?
Renting Property in Minneapolis

 Real estate (1)

Residential Real Estate Listing Price and Sales Price Disconnect

 Ruby (8)

Notes for a Sequel/JRuby/SQLite Bug
Exploring the Crystal Language
Ruby with Parquet and Arrow on Ubuntu
Fixed Length Record Data (Part Two)
Flat and Hierarchical Fixed Length data
Easily and Quickly Populate Database Tables Using Pure Ruby
Use Ruby Struct types for mock Active Record objects
Use Ruby Structs to Model Data from CSV Files

 Rust (12)

Effectively Avoid Problems When Consuming Legacy Character Encodings in Rust
RustConf 2023 Notes
Better Code Organization by Nesting Functions
So Many New Systems Programming Languages II
Taking a Look at the Recent Batch of Systems Programming Languages
Value and Reference Semantics in Modern Programming Languages
Resources for Building Programming Languages
Notes on Designing and Implementing a Small Language
NewTypes: Introduction and Using in Rust
Read Multi-File Parquet Data with Rust
Effectively Access Parquet Formatted Data From Rust
Rust Ownership

 SQL (2)

Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies
Forty Acres and a Mule

 SQLite (1)

Notes for a Sequel/JRuby/SQLite Bug

 Self Improvement (3)

Everything is Terrible
Missing Out
Cleaning House After Going Digital

 Software (2)

SF Worth Reading
Markdown Syntax Highlighting With Notepad++

 Software Development (30)

Minimum Useful PC Uptime
Little 'Big Ideas' in Programming Language Design
The Software Peter Principle
Save Arrow Record Batches Fast to Parquet With Custom Metadata During Incremental Writes
Notes on simplifying complex Parquet data
Investigating Mojo 🔥
Notes on Designing and Implementing a Small Language
NewTypes: Introduction and Using in Rust
Rust Ownership
Notes on Speeding Up Python With Native Compiled Code
Optimization Part V: Applying Data Oriented Design Principles
Notes for a Sequel/JRuby/SQLite Bug
Exploring the Crystal Language
Developing Software is Developing Knowledge
Optimization Part IV: Profile Guided Optimization
If You Liked Pascal
Optimization Part III: Better Hash Tables
Optimization Part II: Targeted Optimizations Assisted by Flame Graphing
Optimizing a Data-Intensive C++ Application, Part I
Python 3 Language Notes
The Parquet Data Format Landscape
Everything is Terrible
Why Turbo Pascal was Great
Notes on Writing and Reading Parquet Files in C++
Agile Methodology Applied to House Flipping
Missing Out
IPUMS Data Conversion as a Slow Motion Entity System
IPUMS Terminology Explained
Learning About Entity Component-System Design
Application Performance: Use and Mis-Use of APIs

 Software Engineering (3)

Effectively Avoid Problems When Consuming Legacy Character Encodings in Rust
RustConf 2023 Notes
Better Code Organization by Nesting Functions

 Spark (1)

The Parquet Data Format Landscape

 Spreadsheets (1)

Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

 Stories (3)

Tech Support 1: Findings from 8529 Unwanted Conversations
Missing Out
Cleaning House After Going Digital

 Turbo Pascal (2)

If You Liked Pascal
Why Turbo Pascal was Great

 Writing (3)

SF Worth Reading
Markdown Syntax Highlighting With Notepad++
Help Your Nanowrimo Effort Resemble an Actual Novel

 business (2)

The Software Peter Principle
My not so deep thoughts on AI

 software Development (4)

So Many New Systems Programming Languages II
Taking a Look at the Recent Batch of Systems Programming Languages
Value and Reference Semantics in Modern Programming Languages
Resources for Building Programming Languages

 software development (1)

My not so deep thoughts on AI

 tutorials (1)

Resources for Building Programming Languages