Save the USPS

The U.S. Postal Service is required to fund itself by charging for services like a private business. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak mail volume has dropped by more than half, severely undercutting its budget. [Read More]

SF Worth Reading

The book recommendations list has moved to It’s a static site built with Jekyll and a Ruby “updater” script I wrote to do some busy work for me that Jekyll won’t, like building a custom authors index. [Read More]

Large Data on a Laptop: Tools and Strategies

Apache Spark, Python and Pandas, Columnar data formats, migrating away from Excel: It’s essential you get familiar with these topics if you’re beginning to grapple with challenging amounts of data. Before immediately jumping to the conclusion that “The Cloud” is the only next step– and getting lost in studying all the services out there – consider what you can do on your own laptop. Good data engineering will take you far. This post is an abbreviated version of three detailed articles I posted last year on the ISRDI Tech Blog. [Read More]

What's the Healthiest Diet?

A few years ago I fasted every other day for a month to try out a human version of an experiment involving rats, to see if doing so would improve my vision. Read full details and results. [Read More]
Tags: Health